Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a member of the NZ CP society you can apply for vouchers to use as a subsidy with us on a contracted term.

How do the Power Plates work?

Engineered precisely to apply the body’s natural reflexive response to vibration, Power Plate technology uses a vibrating  platform, which moves 25 to 50 times per second resulting in corresponding muscle activation. The vibrations are harmonic, which are safe, consistent and controlled levels of vibration, moving in three directions (up and down, forwards and backwards and side to side)

How much does it cost? 

Group sessions Fun, Fast Fitness:

We range from $35 for one group Vibe session per week to $65 for two and $75 for three sessions. You may add $15 for any extra sessions.

One on One Personal Trained sessions, Functional Fitness:

$50 one x per session per week to $85 for two and $115 for three times

How do I pay?

We have a good range of payment options available. You may pay weekly, fortnightly monthly or pay in full via automatic payment or cash.

When will I see results?

Every body is different and responds in it's own time. Some results we have seen in as little as 2 weeks and some towards the 12 week mark.

How many times per week should I do?

Fitness or weight loss goals - 3 x per week
Mobility & re claiming health - 2 x per week
Chronic illness - some opt for 1 x per week
Progressive fitness - can increase 3 x 1/2hr per week *after the 13 week introduction if starting out with exercise

How can only 15 minutes equate to 1 hour of exercise?

Vibration training challenges your whole body by firing your muscle fibers between 30 - 50 times per second, nothing else does that. This means that conventional exercises are 2 - 3 times more effective when on the plate.

Will I lose weight?

People still get changes in their body shape, tone and overall fitness, the best weight loss clients have eaten a balanced diet while exercising. After all, it has been proven that 80% of weight loss is about nutrition.

Is there a contract?

Yes, all contracts are 13 week terms, this gives the body a fair amount of time to make changes. People may renew to conitinue at the end of each term.
*we’re here to help not hinder so won’t hold a person to a contract if it’s not right for them. We also won’t allow a person to continue if they don’t commit to their exercise and miss sessions.

Ours cancellation policy?

1.     24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule your session, otherwise you will lose the session. 

2.     Payment in full is required for all missed sessions.

3.     Non attendance due to holidays or other good reason can be made up at the end of the contract term; if not already made up.

4.     All missed sessions will be recorded by FXU.

5.     If the trainer is sick your sessions will made-up as extras, or at the end of the contract term.

Payment Terms

We have recently updated our Terms and & Conditions.


As per your contract, if you choose not to complete the duration of the term, you are liable to pay the outstanding balance in full. Depending on circumstances a payment agreement may be organised with Management.